Texas Sage: Extreme Pruning

This Texas Sage shrub has been trimmed regularly into a snowball shape. It was first planted in 1996. It kept getting larger and there was a lot of dead wood in the interior. I decided to trim it way back to see if I could start over. Here is a photo diary of its progress.

May 2006
(approximately 4' high and 4' wide)

May 2006

On September 13, 2008 this Texas Sage shrub was cut way back.

October 22, 2008

November 19, 2008

January 25, 2009

March 1, 2009

October 22, 2009

This Texas Sage plant gets nearly total sun throughout the day. It is on an irrigation drip system and watered regularly. It gets slight shade from the Palo Brea tree nearby. It is common here in the metro Phoenix area (Sonoran Desert).


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